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About us

Biagio D'Aniello



After graduating cum laude in Natural Sciences, he obtained a PhD in Evolutionary Biology, followed by the title of Lecturer of Zoology. Later, he obtained a post-doctorate scholarship. In 1997 he was a guest researcher at the "Georg August" University of Goettingen. In 2000, he was a University Researcher and from 2008 Associate Professor of Zoology at the University of Naples Federico II.

Anna Scandurra



She graduated cum laude in Biology at the University of Naples Federico II with a study on the attachment bond between water rescue dogs and their handlers. In 2014, she obtained the PhD in "Resources and Environment" at the Second University of Naples. She was a research fellow at the Laboratory of Applied Ethology of the University of Padua. From 2018, she is a researcher in Zoology at the University of Naples Federico II. 

Alessandra Alterisio



She graduated in Biological Sciences with an address in Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Quality at the University of Naples Federico II with a thesis on behavioral responses in horses (Equus caballus) in object choice tasks. She  obtained a PhD in Biology at the University of Naples Federico II, focused on the evolution of dog behaviour.

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